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About The Owner

Hi Fit chik,

I am Janea Jamison, owner of Kloset Fitness. I am also known as @janea_claire13 via Instagram. 

In today’s society we are influenced to conform to the very unrealistic "societal norms" of beauty. However, each woman has her own unique shape, height, and size that varies far beyond the typical standards of beauty.

I was once a woman very uncomfortable with who I was both physically and spiritually. I battled anorexia and constantly fought my own reflection in the mirror.

It was not until I acquired self-love and motivation that I made a positive change within myself and began to share those positive vibes with others!

Kloset Fitness, LLC was created because I was subconsciously motivated to go the gym whenever I bought new active wear! The trendy colors & the excitement associated with wearing something new made me want to RUN to the gym and show it off! 

Kloset Fitness offers very REASONABLE pricing and a comfortable fit for women of ALL sizes!

You are beautiful no matter what society says! Check out the store and the different sizes available!

Let's engage! Follow us on Instagram: @kloset_fitness or Facebook: @KLOSET FITNESS LLC


J. Jamison| Owner

“Look Good, Work out, Feel Good”